They are scheming, plotting, bullying, hatching, tweeting.
Everyone is against. Against immigrants, climate change, gays, Muslims, abortion, labor laws, women's rights, Black Lives Matter, Main Stream Media...voices, protests, humor, art, difference.
Unless you are for them. If you pledge allegiance, they will protect you. If you scratch their back, or your name is Vladimir, they'll scratch your back with a promise and a wink.
They are building. Building walls to keep out our neighbors. Building a cabinet to keep power at the top. Building buildings with the demagogue's name in all caps. Building up fear to keep out the truth.
They are conspiring to create a kingdom - one characterized more by shame than by shalom, more by judgement than by justice.
But here's the thing: we can play that game too.
Con-spire (v). From Latin, conspirare. Com- "together" + spirare "to breathe." To breathe together.
Collude, cooperate, connive, contrive, concoct, connect, construct, cook up, create, cry out.
And care. That is our superpower.
Loving wastefully, like our lives depend on it. Because they do.
Will you come over for coffee? It's time to put our heads together. You, me, and anyone else who's afraid of what those who are afraid of them might be planning (while drinking scotch somewhere on a gilded sofa). It can be an Irish coffee.
The point is, we need to brainstorm. And even more importantly...all together now...
Take a deep breath in...deep breath out.
Ready or not, here we come.
But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.
-Jude 20-21